24+ Slam Ball Exercises Pdf Background. Range of motion on exercise. 15 jumping jacks, 10 slams, 5 box jumps routine 2:
The ball slam exercise, commonly performed with a medicine ball, is a great way to blow off steam while you build a stronger core and improve your fitness. These challenging movements will target your body head to toe, and force your heart rate to skyrocket. Also show wods you can do with any movement.
Don't let the name fool you, you can do more with it than slam balls are available in 10lb to 150lb, so do what feels comfortable enough to push you.
Fortunately, there's an increasingly popular tool to help train for exactly that kind of motion. 10 minute slam ball workout everything is 3 sets 10 reps round 1: 15 jumping jacks, 10 slams, 5 box jumps routine 2: Increases heart rate for extra calorie burn!